Friday, August 29, 2014

Time moves on...

It's seem so cruel, to me, that time continues to keep moving on. It's been 6 months already without my Bralyn my baby, one of my reasons for living, and yet I have to keep going for my other kids. But every birthday, graduation, anniversary, and holidays that comes is so very bitter sweet.  Bralyn's birthday posters still decorate my walls, his toys are still in my purse, his car seat, now being used by his baby brother, is still in the same place in my van, his pictures are all over, but he's not visible.  His laugh, him zooming through the rooms, his hugs and kisses. There's an emptiness that can't be filled.  He was so full of life that he lifted everyone's spirits! But through all the pain and heartbreak I find myself so very grateful for the knowledge that families can be together for all eternity, and the promise that we will see him again.  Without it I wouldn't be able to find peace at all.  I love you Bralyn, I miss you  ever minute of everyday.  Your  brothers and sisters miss you terribly, your in our thoughts and in ours hearts. Love you Bro Bro!!!!

I'm starting a new blog, I've never been the best at blogging, but I would like to start it's name is

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